
SMART Solutions

  Hi delegates! BMUN is just around the corner (in just 2 days!), so I wanted to revisit the pinnacle document of committee: your directives! When writing your directives, no matter what type, it is important to keep the SMART goals in mind: S - Specific , what exactly is this directive trying to achieve? M - Measurable , how will you know when this directive is successful? Are there any specific points that will make this solution more quantifiable? A - Attainable , is this solution genuinely possible and does it pertain to your portfolio powers? Is that clear in your directive? R - Relevant , will this directive positively contribute to solving this problem or furthering your character development? T - Timely , when do you expect to achieve this solution? Are these time constraints reasonable? When in doubt, refer back to the SMART goals, especially because we are a no-tech committee! They will really help ensure that your directives are acted upon and result in positive movement for

Myanmar Update 2: EAOs against the Junta

As of October of 2023, the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), which is a collection of ethnic armed groups based in the region of Kokang on the border with China, has launched a powerful offensive against the Junta. They, alongside the ethnic Karen, one of the largest minorities in Myanmar, have united and worked together to oppose the military regime. The so-called "Three Brotherhood Alliance" has been incredibly successful in its attacks against the Junta, and together they show the determination of the ethnic groups in their struggle for democracy. These victories have helped them gain momentum, increase public support, and broaden participation from volunteers and recruits. However, ethnic diversity within the rebel forces continues to be a point of concern.  Despite constant Junta airstrikes, the Karen have successfully constructed a church in southeast Myanmar, which shows not only community growth and establishes religious unity, but also challenges the

Information on Debate and Office Hours

Hi delegates! I hope you have had a smooth research process thus far! As we count down the days until BMUN 72, I wanted to check in to remind you of some important dates, announcements, and opportunities we have for you. Debate As we near the start of BMUN 72, I wanted to refer you to our Conference Policies page. Here you will find all of our policies on awards, plagiarism, pre-written resolutions, electronic use, dress code, and harassment . Please take the time to read through this page as the maintenance of these policies are critical to ensuring a positive BMUN experience for all– and be sure to email us any questions you may have. Office Hours Last but not least! Office hours!! In case all the blog posts and emails have been daunting, we hope you will sign up for office hours to chat with us for a bit! Office hours are a great opportunity to ask us any questions or receive feedback on your position papers! The link to sign up for office hours can be found here and on our commit

Tips for Solutions

  Hi delegates! As BMUN grows nearer, I wanted to offer some advice on your solutions and what our dais expects for committee!  Before diving into the different types of solutions we are hoping to see in committee, I wanted to take this opportunity to revisit our learning goals and expectations for research in hopes that your solutions end up addressing these key points: What must happen before the NUG can confidently and effectively lead Myanmar? What does democracy look like, and how is it created? How can Myanmar move forward while working with and allowing greater ethnic representation? What does a path for peace look like between the Tatmadaw and the NUG? Please keep these learning goals in mind when forming solutions! They are key points we want you to address!  Need stepping off points to start thinking about solutions? Start at the synopsis! As you read, highlight key issues that need to be addressed as well as ways they have been addressed in the past. From here you can think

Speech Content & Public Speaking Tips!

 Hi Delegates! As BMUN is just around the corner, I wanted to provide you all with some tips on how to deliver great speeches during conference weekend and beyond!  When it comes to the content of your speeches, here's a few suggestions we hope will be helpful:  Find a balance between too vague versus too specific in your speeches. Many times delegates run into the problem of the former where they will present ideas that are not really contributing much substance to the discussion at hand because of how general they are. So include details in your speeches so they are a bit more grounded and reflect the effort you've put into coming up with the ideas within your speech. However, at the same time you want to make sure you're not too specific to the point where no one is able to follow the content of your speech.  It is always a great idea if you can, to refer to other delegates/their ideas to show you're an active listener and able to reflect (whether in agreement or not

Myanmar Crisis Update: NUG & Rohingya

Within the Sagaing Region and Chin State, the NUG is working to unite older ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) with newer People Defense Forces (PDF) and Chinland Defense Force. Amidst the pursue to promote unity, they continue to face extreme difficultly in these collaborative efforts, as the majority of these groups prefer operating as individual bodies and carrying out independent work. The NUG’s decreasing power and lack of control has led to various repercussions including multiple killings of innocent individuals accused of being junta informants, and having a poor and low weapon supply. Officials have reported that their biggest weakness in the Spring Revolution has been the small resource pool of weapons, with supplies fulfilling only 20-25% of what is needed and the majority of these weapons being manufactured at home. That being said, defense against larger military offenses and violent outbreaks by the junta continues to remain a prominent issue in Myanmar's current sta

Procedure and Committee Flow

  Hi Delegates! I wanted to check in with you to provide some more insight to how our committee is going to work at BMUN 72. Myanmar Spring Revolution will be using BMUN Crisis Procedure .  Our committee will begin by opening a round robin to introduce portfolio powers and general positions on the topic (standard speaking time is 30 seconds). This is the default timing for the Round Robin and can be amended if agreed upon by the committee. Following this round robin, we will enter a perpetual moderated caucus with 1 minute speeches. This is the default procedure for crisis committees, and motions and other procedures can interrupt the perpetual moderated caucus. Delegates are expected to draft directives during this time as well as any informal/unmoderated caucuses that come up. We also ask that if an unmoderated caucus is proposed, it is accompanied by a topic to help frame and focus the discussion. To present and vote on directives, we will not need to move into voting bloc. This ca